Thursday, October 8, 2009

Told You

Aha! See? On Schedule.

*Ahem* So here I am, a day later and not a whole lot different. There was a freak windstorm here the other day: for about two minutes we had gusts up to 120kph. Cool to watch, not so cool in that it damaged the MegaDome, the Agricultural Societies main venue for it's shows. For those of you with visual minds, the Dome looks like one of those bubbles that you play soccer in during the winter, only much, much larger. The Dome's size is fantastic for hosting large events in a spacious locale; it's not-so-great in that it functions like a giant kite whenever the wind picks up. Currenty the top is torn in two, some of the support beams are coming out of the ground, and some of the girders are bent. As a result of this the whole area is closed off and all events have been put on hold indefinitely.

On the home front....not that much. I think we're all a little grumpy transitioning from lounging about to working 9-5 (or 8-4 for some of us...). We should be okay in a bit, the long weekend will help. But until then things may be a bit touch-and-go.

That's all for now folks, I'm tired.

1 comment:

Craig Piper said...

Hey Buddy:
Thanks for the new posts. Sounds like you had quite the storm. Have you started wearing a Massey-Ferguson hat yet? I have sent a link to your blog to some of my York Region friends who are anxious to hear about your escapades.We are off to visit your Grandma in Exeter tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Hope you have a good long weekend. Will you get a feed of turkey?