Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ah, Thanksgiving. An excuse to sleep in and eat turkey if I've ever heard one, and eat turkey I did (and sleep in).

Skipping past my lounging around with my housemates, we find ourselves at dinner. Well, sort of. No one in my group had ever cooked a turkey, let alone a full Thanksgiving dinner. But did we give up? Did we surrender? Did we opt instead to go to A&W's for burgers and onion rings? Of course not, Katimavikians never surrender, and we never back down. Our two brave house managers valiantly accepted the challenge, and with a little help from our project coordinator they got it done. It may have taken a bit longer than expected (2 hours more to be exact) and we may have forgotten to take one of the dishes out of the oven (potatoes, they were fine 5 hours later), but by gum was it fantastic. The turkey wasn't dry, the stuffing was amazing, the bread was divine, and, well, I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat canned cranberry sauce again after having the real deal. Kudos to you, house managers. You've set the bar high for all of the big dinners to come. Oh, and in the spirit of open-mindedness I decided to try the turkey neck. It was a bit of a let down actually, there wasn't that much meat on it. Ah well, I tried something new, and that's what this whole program is about in my opinion.

Oh, best thing ever. One of the girls and I are the house managers for Halloween. I can't wait to make all kinds of creepy food. And on a related note, some of you may be aware that I used to write a fair number of short stories. It's been a while since I've written any and that just won't do. My first goal is to have a legitimately terrifying ghost story penned up by Halloween. When It's finished I'll post it up here for my Halloween blurb. Until then, stay safe. Never forget that there are always things that are beyond our comprehension.


Craig Piper said...

Sounds like an amazing Thanksgiving dinner. Now you can add turkey neck to your expanding list of culinary exploits i.e. ox tongue, pig tails.
Can't wait to read your Halloween story. You've got us on the edge of our seats now.

Pianarian said...

Keep up the great posts, Douglas! Your list of blog followers is expanding as we speak (read: proud parents are spreading the blog address around Canada)

auntie D said...

hmmm ... Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday updates and here it is Wednesday and I am finding out all about your day. Thanks for letting us in Douglas.