Thursday, October 1, 2009

Events! (Part 1)

Behold. I am returned! Alrighty, I'm going to cram as much as I can into this post. Fingers crossed I get you all up to date before I run out of space / time.

The flight
After spending two hours getting to know some of my fellow Katimaviktims at Pearson, about 20 (?) of us boarded the air plane. About 10 of us from Ontario, and a whole slew of participants from Quebec. WestJet....not so fun. I didn't get to sit with anybody from the project, you have to pay for movies now, and there was little - no leg room. But enough of my negativity, it was only a 3ish hour flight.

The journey
Upon landing at the airport in...Calgary? I think it was Calgary...anyways, we met up with everybody who was part of the project in our area, all in all about 40 youngin's. There was a coach bus waiting for us, but alas there wasn't enough room to fit everybody and their luggage, so three other participants and myself drove with one of the coordinators to the orientation camp. Loooong drive, but we all bonded by singing Weezer. Aww yeah.

The camp
I'm probably going to do a proper report on the camp shenanigans in a later post, after all it was three days that were jam-packed full of activities. Lot's O ice breakers, team building exercises and, of course, poorly acted role plays of situations we were likely to encounter. Oh how I love thee, poorly acted role plays.

The town
And here I am! Sitting in the Katimahouse in Olds, Alberta. It used to belong to a couple, who had it converted to a veterinary clinic. Some say it's may be...but it doesn't look that eerie. The town itself is fairly small, 7000 and some odd people live in it. Small, local businesses abound, as well as mainstays such as Tim's and Sobey's.

*Interesting Fact*
The national youth leadership convention is in town for the week. So far we've been called upon to assist twice, and both times members of the community have had all the work done by the time we got there.

Did I mention I'm living in a house with 11 other people? Yeah.

Bon nuit!


auntie D said...

Good to see you made it Douglas. I
can't wait for that full and proper report about the shenanigans
(or maybe I'll ask one of our students who is in Olds for CSLC).

Pianarian said...

Katimaviktims? - Pierre T. would not approve.

Love your blog, so far, but need lots more details (& a current phone number, please)!