Tuesday, October 27, 2009

House Manager Scene 1, Take 1

After a day of being a house manager it's becoming clear that this week won't be a walk in the park. It's fantastic to be able to sleep in past 7, but once I'm up it seems like I'll be doing just as much work, if nor more, than I would be doing at the Agricultural Society. Even with two people going all out, cooking, cleaning, baking, and have left me utterly sapped. My sincerest respect goes out to any stay-at-home parents or spouses out there. Oh, and we went grocery shopping and got everything we needed for the entire week minus the macaroni for our dinner tonight. We spent the whole trip fretting over the garnish and whatnot for the dish and forgot the main ingredient.

I've talked a fair bit about my experiences here, but I've yet to really touch on how I'm coping with the program. Maybe it's just the melancholic day I've been having speaking, but for me Katimavik is tough. I'm a fairly introverted person, so living with ten other people is far from comfortable. I have a hard time finding the time or space to be alone, I feel tense and I have no real chance to unwind. I've also come to realize what a control freak I am. Not over other people, but over my environment. I suppose that growing up an only child I've never really had to share my space with anyone: even at Guelph I had a single room. But here things are different. I can't just lie down wherever I please and browse the internet, I can't eat what I want, or when I want. It's actually really rough on me. I miss all my friends, my family, and I really miss one person in particular (but she's coming out here tomorrow!). But I'm going to persevere. Katimavik isn't what I expected, but it's something that I've committed to and I want to see it through. I'm sorry if I seem negative guys. I'm worn out from my cold, from a lack of personal space, and stress over my visitor coming out here (not because she's coming, but because I'm worries about her making it here safe and sound (I really need to ask her if she wants her name used here ha ha. I try not to mention anyone by name here, but it sounds weird does it not? She means a lot to me so she may be an exception to that guideline (I'm sorry for that tangent))).

Don't worry about me though; I'll be all right, I always am.

1 comment:

STEVE said...

good stuff doug, [generic reassuring comment]...yeah f no personal space