Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A (most likely) long post in which Doug catches up on missed events that he failed misserably at reporting because he's busy (lazy)

HOLY SMOKES I'M ALIVE! *Ahem* Right, sorry about the absence. When last I checked it I was preparing to go to my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary dinner. Well it was more like a weekend-long celebration.

Friday, September 11th, Langdon Hall, Waterloo (cue Law & Order sound).
My mom's side of the family (sans younger children) met up at the hall for dinner. If you thought a night at The Keg was fancy, friend you have no idea. Langdon hall is this gigantic estate that's been converted into a fine dining restaurant with adjacent hotel. If you go to the hall's website and look at the picture of the main building head-on, our private room was the two windows too the right of the column. The Red Room, which was less spooky then it sounds. Although, it had this wicked domed ceiling that amplified the voice of whomever was adjacent to you. Very cool once you got used to hearing their voice come from above you.

Dinner was a choice of three (3) appetizers, three (3) entrees, and (you guessed it) three (3) desserts. For starters this will be a simplified list, for the life of me I can't remember all the garnish they used on everything.

  • Octopus and lobster with charred watermelon
  • Lettuce soup
  • Marinated yellow fin tuna
  • Aged beef tenderloin
  • Halibut
  • Elk with an ox tongue
  • Milk chocolate ganache
  • Citrus pave
  • Creme brule

For the record, I had the lobster, the halibut, and the pave, but the ox tongue was actually amazing. It was like a very well-marinated, and very tender steak.

A bit more relaxed this time around. After a lazy day at my aunt and uncles (in which I DID NOT sleep till after noon *cough*) the family met up once again for a barbecue to celebrate my youngest cousins birthday.

Not a whole lot happened. My dad and I had driven home after the barbecue so I just lounged around.

Back down to Waterloo, to the Charcoal Steakhouse for Grandma and Grandpa's thank you dinner. Continuing my tradition of trying new and exotic things, I had their special that night, braised bison. My god is bison good. Go out and hunt one down. Oh! Also, the family split one of Charcoal's specialties, a pig tail. Gaze in gazemazement as it....tastes just like ribs? Yes folks, it does. The only way you can tell is that the bone is segmented. Still, very good stuff.

*INTERESTING FACT* My mom's side of the family are not the best of singers, yet despite that they always write a song parody for special occasions. It may not be harmonious but bless them they try. Not that I'm any better, I gladly added to the cacophony!

Alright, thats it for me now. I'm off to attend my dad's retirement party! Peace and love.

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