Sunday, January 24, 2010

Music, please.

Good evening ladies and gents; it's good to be back! As you no doubt noticed S&R took a bit of a vacation for the past few months. Now, I can't promise this will be the rebirth of Rabbits, but I'd like to believe it may be.

First order of business! Now that I'm no longer living the exciting life of a Katimaviktim my life is less newsworthy. However, for those interested I still plan to chronicle my life here. Chances are there will be fewer posts about my life, and more posts about random stuff (reviews, editorials).

Huh...alright, I guess I don't have a second order of business. But what I do have is a theme week! Huttah! Starting on Monday I'll be doing a post each day, part of a little segment I like to call Doug's Top 5 Must-See videos on YouTube (or DT5MSVY). I could easily fill the week with some of the most famous videos out there (Evolution of Dance, Where the Hell is Matt?, David After Dentist) but I'd rather spotlight some videos that may be unknown to you. Whether the videos be from little-known filmmakers, or things you wouldn't normally think to look for. I don't expect you to like all of them, or most of them (hopefully you'll like some of them though haha) but I encourage you to give them all a watch. At the very least you may learn a bit more about me from my taste in videos.

Who knows? Maybe I'll start featuring a video and introductory music for each post from now on. For now though, just sit tight and enjoy the upcoming week.

So until tomorrow, stay classy, Internet



STEVE said...

SICK soooooo good

D.G. said...

Thank you sir. Sorry about that flame war you were in, that sucks.

STEVE said...

lol its cool. fun times as always