Friday, November 27, 2009

Prologue // Act II - The Hunt

Good evening gentle readers. I come to you tonight despite feeling under the weather (I barely slept at all last night and as a result I crashed around 11 today and slept for...a while). Now that I'm back to living at home with my parents I've got a few things I need to work on. First and foremost I need to get in contact with my university to see about getting back into my program; they're quick on the email response, I should be set up with some distance education courses by Monday. According to the registrar I need to get two distance ed credits with high grades along with some other paperwork before I can resume my program.

Secondly, and just as urgent, is securing a job. I've spoken to my previous employer (a thrift store chain) and they said they'd be glad to have me back, but I'd like to see if I can't get anything better paying. I was getting 38 hours a week at my previous job, but if I can find one with similar hours and better pay, hey, why sell myself short!

That folks, is what we call straight and to the pointless

Douglas Gohl Piper, may be a zombie

(He's in your heeaaaad, in your heaaaaaaaaad)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh yay! I can leave a comment!
Well, Doug- I have read this blog like- 5 times (just the last one I mean). Time to update or come back to us, I reckon. <3 Au revoir!