Tuesday, March 9, 2010





Ahem. Yeah, it's back. That's right folks, after a month (has it been a month? I think it has...) S&R is back in business! Again! (Isn't the excitement exponential?)

What happened? I hate you. I just wanted to get your hopes up and dash them to get some jollies. That's right, I'm a hope crusher! Take that Steve.

Kay, not really. long story short, I think I broke Blogger. I found myself unable to publish and posts or even to save any drafts. But, lo and behold, it works! Who knows why, but we're back in business.

Speaking of business (segue +1) I'd like to continue where I left off on my list of top five YouTube videos. I had a hard time picking just five for my list; such a hard time in fact that I've decided to post videos more frequently. Now, this will most likely either occur either as an introduction or closing to all my blog posts, or perhaps as it's own separate entity. What say you? Should I consolidate the two? Or maybe have an actual schedule eg. YouTube Tuesdays? Food for thought.

As some of you may know, this is the day of the week I'm assigned cooking duty (+1). Now before you go making some sarcastic remarks about my lack of culinary skill, I feel I must warn you that I can make bread from scratch.

But Doug, what does that have to do with YouTube? Well, aside from being a nice segue (+1) the video is about cooking for others. I would like to dedicate today's pick to my parents, who put up with my cooking no matter how successful or disastrous it turns out each week. And so it is my pleasure to introduce you all, perhaps for the first time, to Good Neighbor, a sketch troop based out of LA.

This is another video I've always loved, and I would give nigh anything to actually pull this on someone as a prank (if I ever do I promise I'll record it and post it up here).

Peace and Love,
Douglas "Not actually the humanoid typhoon" Piper

P.S. I don't hate you Steve, I'm just jealous your posts are bigger than mine. I'm just compensating for my size.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Alrighty, day two, same as the first, a little bit more complex and kind of tricky to explain.

For today's pick I present you with a music video. Ah, but this is no normal music video. This one has been specifically designed for viewing on YouTube. First off: the band. Electric Eel Shock is...well, unique. Hailing from Tokyo, Japan, the three member garage band formed in 1990. Since then they've created their own unique take on rock music, influenced by a variety of western musicians. With a singer / lead guitarist who is an avid fisherman and a drummer who plays using four (4) drumsticks, EES is a sight to behold.

Sadly I must send you lovely people away for a bit to watch this one. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the four videos to appear here side-by-side as they need to be. Head over to their website to check it out. There you'll find instructions on how to view the video, and a link to all four of the screen in one at the bottom if you're having trouble.

Props go to Mr. Steve for introducing me to these guys.

Monday, January 25, 2010

DT5MSVYT - Part the First

Salutations Internet. So here we are, day one of the list, or rather, The List. I suppose I could jerk you around and build up suspense, but it's Monday, no need to add more stress hey? So enough of my yakking, let's boogie.

Video Numero Uno

This first pick was actually the simplest for me to make. Tony vs. Paul is a video that has been one of my favourites since I joined YouTube way back whenever that was, and to this day it remains one of the first videos I show off whenever I find myself comparing my taste with someone else. Made by Paul B. Cummings in 2006, Tony vs. Paul is an incredible display of what can be achieved using little more than your imagination, stop motion, and a loooooot of free time (two months so according to the video's FAQ, available on YouTube if you're curious).

I've always been impressed by people who are dedicated enough to their craft to produce a quality piece of stop motion. There's just something about it, the combination of erratic movements and impossible actions I suppose, that really brings out a sense of wonder in me.

Hopefully that brought a little joy to your Monday. See you tomorrow!

Douglas Gohl Piper; wishes he was special (you're so very special)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Music, please.

Good evening ladies and gents; it's good to be back! As you no doubt noticed S&R took a bit of a vacation for the past few months. Now, I can't promise this will be the rebirth of Rabbits, but I'd like to believe it may be.

First order of business! Now that I'm no longer living the exciting life of a Katimaviktim my life is less newsworthy. However, for those interested I still plan to chronicle my life here. Chances are there will be fewer posts about my life, and more posts about random stuff (reviews, editorials).

Huh...alright, I guess I don't have a second order of business. But what I do have is a theme week! Huttah! Starting on Monday I'll be doing a post each day, part of a little segment I like to call Doug's Top 5 Must-See videos on YouTube (or DT5MSVY). I could easily fill the week with some of the most famous videos out there (Evolution of Dance, Where the Hell is Matt?, David After Dentist) but I'd rather spotlight some videos that may be unknown to you. Whether the videos be from little-known filmmakers, or things you wouldn't normally think to look for. I don't expect you to like all of them, or most of them (hopefully you'll like some of them though haha) but I encourage you to give them all a watch. At the very least you may learn a bit more about me from my taste in videos.

Who knows? Maybe I'll start featuring a video and introductory music for each post from now on. For now though, just sit tight and enjoy the upcoming week.

So until tomorrow, stay classy, Internet
