Tuesday, March 9, 2010





Ahem. Yeah, it's back. That's right folks, after a month (has it been a month? I think it has...) S&R is back in business! Again! (Isn't the excitement exponential?)

What happened? I hate you. I just wanted to get your hopes up and dash them to get some jollies. That's right, I'm a hope crusher! Take that Steve.

Kay, not really. long story short, I think I broke Blogger. I found myself unable to publish and posts or even to save any drafts. But, lo and behold, it works! Who knows why, but we're back in business.

Speaking of business (segue +1) I'd like to continue where I left off on my list of top five YouTube videos. I had a hard time picking just five for my list; such a hard time in fact that I've decided to post videos more frequently. Now, this will most likely either occur either as an introduction or closing to all my blog posts, or perhaps as it's own separate entity. What say you? Should I consolidate the two? Or maybe have an actual schedule eg. YouTube Tuesdays? Food for thought.

As some of you may know, this is the day of the week I'm assigned cooking duty (+1). Now before you go making some sarcastic remarks about my lack of culinary skill, I feel I must warn you that I can make bread from scratch.

But Doug, what does that have to do with YouTube? Well, aside from being a nice segue (+1) the video is about cooking for others. I would like to dedicate today's pick to my parents, who put up with my cooking no matter how successful or disastrous it turns out each week. And so it is my pleasure to introduce you all, perhaps for the first time, to Good Neighbor, a sketch troop based out of LA.

This is another video I've always loved, and I would give nigh anything to actually pull this on someone as a prank (if I ever do I promise I'll record it and post it up here).

Peace and Love,
Douglas "Not actually the humanoid typhoon" Piper

P.S. I don't hate you Steve, I'm just jealous your posts are bigger than mine. I'm just compensating for my size.